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An introduction: Being an illustrator


I'm Ana, I'm a freelance illustrator currently living and working in the UK and I am not a writer, so if you start reading and think "this sucks" I won't blame you for closing the tab right now and opening Facebook instead.

Since starting university in 2012 I feel as though I've constantly had my finger on the fast forward button when it comes to my own creative growth - I've always wanted to be better, why aren't I as good as Camille Walala yet? It's easy to constantly compare yourself to others, to forget that when you are just starting university that they might just be finishing, or that that person who is so amazing and so published at the age of 18 (never mind 24) has simply just found themselves and how to navigate the world before you have; and that's fine.

At the beginning of August I started reading a book by Jen Sincero called You Are A Badass, and like most books, I haven't finished (yet) but this has been the only thing to make me sit back and realise that I don't need to rush; I don't need to be the best I'm ever going to be just yet, and I certainly do need to just start enjoying stuff more - 'cause I don't, I really don't. I've had a million and one people tell me that I'm doing well or that I need to just slow down or concentrate on one thing at a time. Often I will start a commission and if a new one isn't in my inbox by the time I'm half way through I will panic and assume that this is it, I'm done for; my career has ended before it's even begun, what's the point? Why did I think I could ever do this?! And then a week or two or three goes by and "ping" new mail! I got a job! I'm not useless, I'm great! Oh my god! And then the cycle starts all over again and I probably cry a lot - but I'm learning, and this is why I've decided to start this blog.

By no stretch of the imagination am I the holy grail, I don't know all the answers and I don't want people to look at this and think that that's why I have started this blog, "She got published one time, what is she doing?" I just want somewhere to track my progress and my thoughts and maybe whinge from time to time. I often get students or graduates emailing me asking for advice, and so if this helps anyone anywhere feel as though they are less alone, or less stupid, or less confused then I've done the best I can do.

I'm aiming to post at least once a week and these are the types of things I'm hoping to cover (that I can think of so far):

1. From student to graduate

2. Beginning to find your feet ... oh wait! I've lost them again (and again, and again, it never ends)

3. Freelancing and working a full-time job

4. Having a studio space (or lack of)

5. Getting clients // Keeping clients

6. Two years since graduating

7. S L O W D O W N ! Mental illness and creative practice - how it helped me get out of a dark place

8. Nobody ever talks about your back, look after your goddamn back

This may not be the order in which these posts get released, but it gives you a vague idea of the types of things I'm wanting to cover and the tone of this blog - not serious but kind of.

I hope at least one person reads this and thinks - phew!



(Do I sign off every post I have no idea?)


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